Our Contribution Guidelines

Contribution Guidelines


[A] Submission Guidelines
  1. JIBL seeks submissions under the following categories
    • Articles – 6,000 or more words (inclusive of footnotes). There is no maximum word limit for articles. However, authors are encouraged to consult previous issues as a guide to the length of article the Journal usually publishes.
    • Notes – 4,000 to 6,000 words (inclusive of footnotes).
    • Book Reviews – 1,000 to 2,000 words (inclusive of footnotes).
  2. The manuscript may be co-authored by a maximum of three authors.
  3. The manuscript must be topical and related to the scope of JIBL.
  4. The manuscript must contain an abstract of not more than 200 words.
  5. The authors must follow the OSCOLA: The Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities, which can be found here.
  6. Please do not include a table of contents or numbered paragraphs.
  7. The manuscript must not contain any mention of or reference to the author’s name, affiliation or credentials. Such information must be restricted to a separate cover page, which must contain a brief biographical description of the author, and also include the author’s name, affiliation, qualifications and contact details.
  8. JIBL accepts manuscripts on a rolling basis. Any manuscript submitted after the aforesaid deadline will be considered for the subsequent issue.
  9. The manuscript must be contained in a Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) document.
  10. The manuscript must be sent to the journal through the duly filled form, which can be found here.
  11. A declaration must be made at the time of submission that the manuscript is an original and unpublished work of the author(s), and that is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
    For questions about submissions, please contact JIBL’s senior board at jibl.nluj@gmail.com.
[B] Editorial Policy
  1. Authors, upon submission, must communicate their acceptance of the following conditions:
    • The work, upon publication, becomes the property of the National Law University, Jodhpur;
    • Permissions for any subsequent publication, reprint, or derivative works must be obtained from JIBL.
  2. JIBL follows a comprehensive blind review procedure. JIBL shall inform the authors of the acceptance/rejection of their respective manuscript after the completion of the review process.
  3. JIBL retains complete discretion over acceptance/rejection of manuscripts.
  4. JIBL does not entertain requests for advance decisions based on abstracts, topic proposals or outlines. Editorial decisions shall be based solely on a multi-stage review of the final manuscripts submitted by the authors.
  5. Post-review, manuscripts may be returned to the authors with suggestions related to substance and style. Acceptance of a manuscript may be made contingent on the author incorporating such suggestions.
  6. JIBL reserves the right to request copies of any resources or authorities cited in the manuscript.